I'm having a wacky sleep schedule lately, and since I can't sleep right now I have been working
My niteflirt, posting clips to My clip store, and listening to My hypnosis tapes as the kitty snores in the background.
I just posted 3 very casual candid clips of Me and
submiss ann, and tomorrow I should be receiving more clips from
Thora Nang, from the shoot we did just a week or so ago, and I still have some clips I am getting from a couple of weeks or so back when I shot some stuff with
Julie Simone.
Basically, I am passing time before the sun rises; when I feel more inclined to go work out some more at the gym and get some breakfast, before trying to climb back between the blankets with the cat and watch more movies till I finally can fall asleep.
Insomnia is a pain, but at least it can be used to be somewhat productive. Idle hands are the devil's play ground, right?