It isn't all bondage and bon-bons!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Was your first experience as a Dominatrix from personal desire or inquisitive professional consideration? Thank you

It was personal, long long before my first professional session.

It seems that it's always been a part of my life. I couldn't even tell you what the exact first time was because even as a young child I experimented with acts of sadomasochism and bondage alone and with other kids my age.

Ask me anything

will you ever be coming to the Denver area?

I've never had a reason to yet and don't foresee one, but I do make special trips for sessions when travel and accommodations are provided by the client.

Ask me anything

do all clients jerk off themselves after sessions?

Depends on my mood as to whether I let them, but yes.

Ask me anything

Have you ever used a bra for anything other than holding your breasts in place?

I've used some old ones for stuff for sissies to wear and I use it as a place to keep stuff like money.

Ask me anything