Okay,I have a serious thing for cameras. My current lover showed Me a ton of nude photos he had taken of Me a couple of weeks of so back…one of them shows him taking the photo and he is considering it for his new business cards.
An ex of Mine called Me tonight, complaining that I had not sent him nudes he had requested, lol. It seems I date mostly voyuers, lol. (I woke this morning to My current lover watching a few short video clips of Me on a loop over and over and over…which he does every time I see him, lol silly little boy…but how flattering and cute).
Today I had received yet another disc of hundreds and hundreds of photos of Me in the mail from Tara Indiana.
Currently, I am scheduling shoots with Julie Simone for this Thursday, since she just got back to town… We also will be decoding a bit of video footage for My clip store (starting first with one of Me, of course).
Tomorrow, I also have to call and schedule this interview I am doing for a documentary … and below you will see the slide show of Bondage Ball for your viewing enjoyment.
And lets not forget the modeling and talk shows, and My upcoming appearance as a presenter for the fourth year in a row at the Rock City Music Awards.
Labels: interview, modeling, performance, photos, porn, videos